Welcome to Fantasy Island
Trainer ride this morning.
Somes times even if there is time to ride outside during the day, it is still such a production that it is easier to just do it in the basement. Got to round up all the gear, helmet, shoes, water, gloves, glasses, tools, pump, food, etc.. rack the bike, un rack it, shower at work,
Busy day, got presentation to do, field work, get to Lowes to get materials for fireplace mantle, possibly need to watch kids, too much to then think about getting stuff together for a ride. Doesn't bug me too much. Makes those nice outdoor rides all the more special.
On the trainer today, combo of SMSP/MSP intervals One minute at SMSP power (320) one minute at MSP (270) alternate for 8 minutes. The plan called for 10 mins + 5x2on 2off at SMSP, but I am just trying to keep the legs primed for the race on Sun. Do no damage, but keep the blood rolling. I could have done higher wattages or longer durations, but didn't. After this race I won't be racing for a little while so I won't mind running myself into the ground and putting nails in the coffin. But not today.

Welcome to Fantasy Island
On the trainer it's easy to go to special places. If you've been riding for any length of time than you know what a good ride feels like and how it feels compared to a not so good ride. And if you've been at it for a few years you also know what Really really good ride feels like.
The whole idea behind periodization is to get those really really good rides to coincide with a race. If that happens, than that's about the best you can hope for. That's what I was trying to imagine on the trainer. That really really good ride. You know that feeling, you've been there. Where you are pushing a hard gear yet it feels easy. Where each pedal stroke leads you into the next one and your momemtum keeps you moving at a high pace even though you don't feel like you're working hard. Where your breathing is heavy, and your HR is high, but it isn't hurting. But it is hurting, that good sweet kind of hurt. The kind that feeds you, fuels the fire and you feel like you could go forever like this.
If Tatoo and Mr. Rourke could give that to me on Sunday that would be all I need. If I were to ask Mr. Rourke for a podium I'd probably end up being hunted for sport or some other crazy thing that always happens to guests on Fantasy Island for choosing a fantasy that is wrong.
Da plane
Da plane
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