My favorite gear
No matter what bike I am riding be it road, mountain, or cross I always find my favorite gearing to be Big ring up front and next to biggest in the back

I know full well that this is not the best gear to be in. It is one less than being fully cross chained. There is definitely some stiction caused by the angle of the chain and the extension of the der. cage. And whatever the gear ratio may be it can be duplicated with the middle ring and a smaller cog.
But it doesn't matter, I just love to be in this gear. Often times when big ringing it, I'll even go into full cross chain (Big/Big) for a little bit just to hold my MO and get over a hump.
I read one time about Tinker or Ned or one of those icons of the sport who cross chained a lot. And a new mechanic had set up their bike with a chain that was too short to fully cross chain. Sure enough the guy cross chains it in a NORBA national and the drivetrain locks up and they had to break the chain to get going again.
So even though you're not supposed to cross chain, it is best to set your chain long enough to accomodate it because when you are in the red line you might totally forget that you're in the big ring when you downshift.
And I will continue to wear out my drivetrains prematurely
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