Art of the jury rig
Converted the hardtail over to 8speed 1x8 rigid.
Required ebay scores and scrounging the parts bin and some creative thinking.
Kona Project 2 $30 ebay suspension corrected.
Ritchey 2x9 right shifter. This is one of those quirky things that was designed for a very very niche application. You can take an 8speed cassette and add a dished cog (not exactly sure what that means) to it to make it 9speed but with the index spacing of 8 speed. So it works fine stand alone with a regular 8 speed cassette. But I just saw these for $6.00
Oh, Gold Answer Pro taper bar. From several years ago.
105 rear der, from many years ago. Yes it will work with a mtn bike cassette, just gets a little strained that's all
Really weird Sugino Impel crankset that I got on ebay last year for $15. I moved everything over to 170s last year and got this for the commuter. Was expecting a basic 94/58 Compact drive crankset and didn't look close enough at the pictures of this. Really funky rings and goofy hole pattern. Took off granny, and big ring and just put the middle 34t on. Crank bolts come out through the front.
In the smallest cog there isn't a whole lot of chain tension and the chain comes off when shifting down. Put on the old 105 front der from years ago as a chain guide, and it works like a charm. It is wide enough that the chain doesn't rub across the entire cassette. Maybe just a tiny bit in the smallest cog.
The drop to the bar is just a little more than the orignal set up using an older stem, that didn't allow enough spacers when fitting it on the fork. But it feels really good. Was just a blast commuting on. Will try it off road sometime.
Going to take my sweet slow time building up the dually so I don't screw it up. This will be nice to have ready to roll for training here and there. Plus it will be nice to have to keep me honest out on the trail now and then, to relearn how to pick that line that probably will disappear with the dual.
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