Enough already

Another 3" of snow, schools cancelled again. They do not call this place Bleaksburg for nothing. Actually, this year I have handled the winter better than ANY in the past. Mostly because I've been so into my training plan.
I can hold it up like a beacon to ward off the dark shadows. In my zeal I've even stuck to the plan with intervals in the basement before breakfast even when the weather was going to be rideable that day. Now that is truly blasphemy for a true cyclist. But it has kept my mood pretty stable throughout this longer than normal winter weather. Just doesn't bug me enough when I've checked off another hard workout before heading out the door.
But my wife isn't dealing so well. Kids cooped up too much, can't get outside. Very little outdoor riding for her. All the neighboors and friends get to go to Florida for vacations, but not us. So it hasn't been fun the last few months. There is a saying around here:
If Momma ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy.
But as the off-season portion of my plan is coming to a close, I want to be outside, getting the real cycling legs back. Climbing some hills, getting my lower back and hips some real workout. Sweating outside, feeling warm, carving the trails. And of course, I want the general mood at my house to improve. Kids definitely track off the emotions of the parents, so if one of us is off, they are too.
Ahh well, It's ALWAYS greener on the other side. In a few months I'll be bitching at the heat/humidity and my awful muscle cramping, yada yada yada
it is a classic and true statement about the mood of the "wife"
my wife is super cool
she is still a women
there are moments...
moments that I wish I had on film
as when her mood changes I am sure that she would be amused at her own behavior
they have no idea about the message/mood/emotion/wrath/fear/pain/punishment
that they are putting out
Really helpful data, lots of thanks for the post.
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