PRQ#8: Heather Mosely
This is #8 in the PRQ (Pro Racer Questionnaire) series.
Heather Mosely
In her signature pink, Heather Mosely is a hard one to miss on the ever growing endurance circuit. She's been racking up some serious podiums including 24Hrs of Big Bear, 24 Hours of Burn, and 24 Hours of Old Pueblo. Heather also has a streak going for fastest female lap times. When you've got people racing on teams doing rotations it's pretty impressive to have the fastest female lap as a solo rider.
Heather has a BLOG that provides a great insite into her training. Blogs like this are great resources for the endurance world because it is a fairly new subdiscipline and there isn't as much training knowledge as other forms of bike racing. For a pro athelete she is extremely accessible offering her email AND phone number for questions. I guess she must get a lot of sales calls too?
She also does her part for her sponsors which is key to any successful pro.
I thank Heather for her time and wish her luck for the 2006 Campaign.
The questionnaire:
-Who are your sponsors that you’d like to recognize?
Specialized Bicycles
Tifosi Optics
Editor's Note: Great optics, great price.
Speedplay Pedals
Niterider Lighting Systems
Hayes Disc Brakes
Fox Forks
Pactimo Jerseys
Schwalbe Tires
Gravity Dropper Seatposts
Editor's Note: Ever since I saw Gene Hamilton use one of these, I've wanted to try one. It is amazing how much an XC height seatpost gets in the way, especially when bunny hopping. The weight weenie in me scoffs at it, but I think the time savings on the downhill and tech sections would more than make up for any extra time lost due to the weight.
Hells Divas
Ecaps/Hammer Nutrition
-What makes an athlete a 'good investment' for a sponsor?
A fun personality, an abitlity to influence the growth of cycling, active in all aspects of cycling, and good looks. Oh, if you win a couple races that is always a good thing!
-How long have you been racing mountain bikes, how long as a pro?
I have been racing since 1997, my dad introduced me to the sport. I have been riding Professional for Specialized since 2003, and love the 24 hour scene.
-What are your goals for 2006?
I would like to keep up my win streak, and fastest solo female lap streak I was on in 2005. I have wanted to qualify for RAAM for some years, and last year tried but failed, so this year I will try again in the spring and fall. I would also never like to get mono again!
Editor's Note: Tinker just qualified for RAAM. Maybe we will start seeing some off road crossover to the road endurance insanity.
Bike Geek Stuff.
-What bikes do you race on? What other bikes do you own?
I race on a 2006 Specialized Epic
Editor's Note: My Gosh there is more Specialized going on here than Ned Overend convention! Note that the Roubaix is a great geometry for the off road crowd that prefers a more upright position. Fast w/o being a -gag- hybrid.
-How do you see XC technology changing over the next 5 years?
I married a bike mechanic, and if I could get him to answer this for me I would, I am not too mechanical...but I would say lighter....bolder colors!
Editor's Note: I'm not sure a pink bike would make it on the showroom floor at most LBS's!
-What component or cycling gear would you pay full retail for if you had to?
Up until a couple years ago I had to buy everything I needed, then I started to write the companies whose products I used, these companies are now my sponsors. I have been with the same sponsors really since the beginning in 2003...I do not pay anymore, but I would if I had to.
-How many hours a week do you train (min, max, average)?
I train anywhere from 7-35 depending on what is up that week. Sometimes I take whole weeks off for serious muscle repair, and other times, I ride 24 hours straight in my living room, to pretend like I am out in a race...I have a crazy brain..
Editor's Note: These endurance freaks!
-Do you have a coach? dad likes to yell at me and try to get me to go over big scary logs...
-Do you follow a scientific periodized cycling specific training program or ‘just ride’?
I follow my own program, that I have been tweaking over the years..I keep allot of very detailed training logs and compare the past years, to this year, and am very crazy about that heart rate monitor though..I listen to my breathing.
-Do you strength train?
Very light in the winter, and pushups, situps...not too much, I favor time in the saddle.
-Do you do specific technical skills training, if so what?
Yes I do. My dad and I head out to the harder trails, and then he will make me session a section over and over till I am a bloody pulp. Seriously, people gather on the trail and watch this. It is fun after it is over, and I kicked it's ass.
Editor's Note: Heather's Dad is old school. Us new school parents are trying not to push our kids too much for fear of emotional scarring. You can see the evidence in Ms. Mosely case.
-How do you recover after a hard ride or workout?
I like to stretch out, and then have sex. Wine is good too.
Editor's Note: HONEY!!! Come read this quick!! I bet that this entry will be requested reading for every cyclist's spouse in America.
-What is your nutrition protocol during a 12-24hr endurance race?
I have had great sucess with ecaps and hammer supplements. I use these along with Peanut butter
-What is your pacing strategy for a 12-24hr endurance race?
Ideally I like to get out in front on the first lap, and then keep up as best I can. It really helps mentally not to have to do the chasing..
-How do you balance the stresses of regular life with training and recovery?
I keep everything in check. Everyone around me understands how big a part of my life cycling is, and that helps. I can easily say that I am very lucky with my job, and friends, and it is easy to make time for more training, or cut back a bit.
-Do you have a guilty pleasure?
Mmmm...can I have more than one? I can narrow it to three...Tequila, good red wine, and my husband.
-What advice do you have for those of us with families, and full time jobs who want to race our best?
Get your family, or boss involved, the more others understand what it is thet your doing, the more they want to be a part of it.
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