Sunday, October 05, 2008

Thank you to the mountain

Thank you to whoever invented cycling and the mountain bike.
Thank you to the mountain for letting us play on you.
Thank you for a way to leave behind worries and burdens for a few moments. And if I don't well then I'll be on the ground cause you can't corner and downhill unless you're focused on the moment.


At 9:17 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, as a racer i thought you and your readers would like to know about the the Mount Kenya 10 to 4 (10thousand feet to 4 thousand feet)
a race in Kenya to raise money for Mount Kenya and its diverse assembly of animal life. What a great experience. I hope that you and other american riders would consider competing some day. At one place the race was shortly held up by elephants!
One of the greatest bike experiences of my life. cheers,
james christian
karisia walking safaris


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