Thursday, February 17, 2005

Starvin' Like Marvin'

I'm only riding 50mins to 1hr here and there, but I'm famished all the time. Made a run for the Border for lunch today:

Then for dinner we got KFC, cause my younger son is pretty sick (poor kid) and mom has been sitting with him all day, and had to pick up the older one from spanish, and the KFC is right there....yada yada.

And I just scarfed. My weight is stable if not going down and I feel like I'm eating all the time and if I'm not eating I'm hungry. If I actually did some dieting, like cutting out more sodas, or creamer in my coffee

, or Reese's

I think I'd could actually get close to what those experts/pros look like.


At 11:23 AM, Anonymous camobel said...

Oh my god, there's a lot of useful information in this post!


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