Busy day. will be back in to work tonight and all weekend. What can you say, it's a great job just sometimes things happen all at once. Besides job is better than no job. Need to take some time off during the week to spend time with family.
Only coffee and bagel for breakfast. Stomach growling at parent/teacher conference at pre-school. Hope she didn't hear it.
Choice, go get lunch, then wait 1 hr+ to ride, but will be tired and knee deep into work, or go straight to ride, deal with bonk, then go eat. Opted to steal away and get 2 hill reps in. Thankfully had some Hammer gels stowed away in the car.
Hill reps up Oilwell. Love this hill. Several steps in it. Couple steep spots. First time up, was jazzed, got my breathing into that gasping labored I'm drowning zone.

10:18 (from first telephone pole to telephone pole by radio towers)
Ever see that documentary where they are studying what's going on when you are drowning. Where they took Navy Seals and put weights on them and measured their brainwaves, and heartrate when they put them in the water. Sent shivers up my spine. Now these guys are fully trained special forces. And the look of sheer panic on their faces as they started to sink was incredible. I felt a little like that.
You know how when you crest a ledge you are supposed to grab a gear or two. I knew I should do that, but just didn't have it in me to grab a cog and stand. 2nd time up didn't have the zip to drown again. 11:34.
Still messing with my fit. I must have stopped and rotated the bars a mm this way and a mm that way 4 or 5 times. The power to the pedals is definitely better. My shoulder tightness is still there some after the ride and my triceps feel soar. My elbows are bent now when on the hoods and in the drops so I don't think I'm supporting my weight with my arms like I used to. I wonder if with the longer stem when I stand out of the saddle on the hoods, if I'm pushing more. I really like standing honking it with the hands on the hoods with this longer stem. Read somewhere how climbing specialists like long stems for the leverage during out of the saddle climbing. Wonder if my triceps will look like Jamie Paolinetti's in the hard road. Maybe I should do some pushups.
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