Sometimes you have to say Uncle

Sometimes you just have to say Uncle and forget about a workout and concentrate on making it to tomorrow. Worked till midnight last night than up with the kids. Stressful frustrating day. Everything I did last night, I think I did wrong. It's a gift. If it can be done wrong or put in backwards I can do it. I am the perfect product tester.
Brought the bike and gear to go for a quick spin, but forgot tools and tube. Might have risked it but the last I needed was to be 10 miles out with a flat. Rain came anyway.
Got home from work and tried to ride in basement while family was having dinner. Skipped any food in order to ride. What a mistake. I should have known better. Hadn't eaten right through the day for an evening workout. Was tired. Got a little guilt from trying to ignore the kids and try and ride. Made it all of about 2 reps on some leadout intervals, and just said screw it. Head was hurting, legs didn't want to turn.
Went upstairs got a little food and just sat with the family. It was like taking your kids to a fancy restaurant or coffee house with a 45min wait while they are hungry and tired and expecting it to go well. Like you are really going to be a cosmo couple sipping on your wine or latte' while the kids draw pleasantly or sit on their hands. Sure it MIGHT work, but chances are you're just setting yourself up to get pissed off. This only works for some parents of girls (like my sister :) )
It's one thing to have goals. Goals are like a compass, they give you direction. But it is another thing to have expectations. Expectations are like the destination that you haven't reached yet and never will. The times I've gotten most upset with my kids are when I've had expectations of how things are going to go and they don't go that way.
Best I can hope for this week is to try and do enough to not lose any fitness but not try to do anything major. I so want to slam some rides after having such a good race, but better just let it go for now. Next race is May 1. So 2 weeks before is when I really want to hit it hard.
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