Tagging the bully

Sun - Intervals.
Interesting workout: 3x8min at sustainable power (MSPO-270W) with high intensity 1min(320W) intervals at 2nd minute and 5th minute. It was quite hard, but I made it except for stalling out on the very last 1 min interval, but turned the power down till I could spin back up to the 270 and finished the 8th minute.
This type of workout reminds me of an article in MBA many years ago about Julie Furtado's coach. He described something called Tagging the Bully. Where you ride beyond your reach for an interval, than come back to under your redline. Just like a race. Where you are at your redline, but then you have to go through a hard technical climb and your in the netherworld, and have to recover and go back to race pace.
It's like running up to a big bad bully, and punching them in the arm, and running away. You can do it. Without getting hit back. But hang out there too long, or try it when you tired, and you're gonna get punched back. And it is gonna be bad.
Was worked. Ate way too much all day Sunday. Candy, potluck, Easter dinner.
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