mini vacation

We rented a cabin at Pipestem State Park this past Wed-Fri. After May you can only rent cabins for a full week at a time, but in the off season you can get them daily.
This place kicks ass. Didn't even bring a bike, and they have some fun trails here. There is even a race here next week: Pipestem Challenge I'm in that waffle stage right now about racing.
-I'm not ready
-It's too muddy
-la la la
There is just so much stuff to do that little kids can get a kick out of. Weather was for crap but we made the most of it. Hiking, nature center, indoor (HEATED!!) pool, game room, mini golf. Even for you golfers there is an 18hole course, and a par 3 course. During spring/summer they have an aerial tram that takes you down to the river, There are horse stables, a good restaurant, and even paddle boats.
Of course, the 4 1/2 year old was in total whine mode. The kind of sing songy whine that goes to the base of your skull and then resonantes down your spine. That kind of whine that turns a normal sane, educated adult, into a made-for-tv, redneck - "Don't make me whoop you, boy!" father from hell. Like a vampire it just sucks the fun away from a situation.
While the 6year old was hiking like 2+miles up some serious terrain, I am literally running away from my own child to get him to walk all the while his cries for Mommy and to be picked up are heard miles way down by the lake. My wife reminded me about a few years ago how our older one was the same way. Oh?? He was? Totally forgot about that. Fatherhood is like mountain biking. You always seem to forget about how hard or how rocky that one ride was.
The cabin was sweet. 2 bedrooms, fireplace, cable TV. Yes, I watched TV while at a pristeen outdoor resort. I don't have cable. Only time we get cable is for 1 month in July. I grew up on TV. I am out of touch with popular culture. It bugged me a lot and I always used it for fodder for picking a fight with my wife. Truth is I'm quite glad I don't have TV. Other than Battlestar Galactica, Pimp my Ride, and the few and far between cycling races on OLN. There is absolute crap on TV.
But for a few days during a rainy cold vacation I am gonna watch some TV.
Got to watch one of my favorite inspirational sports movies:
Rocky III
Unparalleled for sheer entertainment value and one liners. Worthy to be called up for motivating one to their best performances:

How can you not just get goosebumps from lines like this:
"Lights out Meatball" - Hulk Hogan as Thunder Lips
"You ain't so bad - My mother hits harder than that"
"I thought you said be cool..That was cool"
"Hey woman, come on down to my apartment, I'll show you what a real man is like"
"What's your predication for the fight. Clubber"...PAIN
"I live with a fighter"
"There is no tomorrow"
"Eye of the Tiger, Rock, eye of the tiger"
"I don't sweat you"
"Can he swim?", "With a name like Rock?"
Of course, the writer is completely fair.
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