Thursday, May 17, 2007

More MOM...

Got in the last MOM training ride. 2x from Newport up the Backside of mountain lake. The reason for this ride is to simulate what it feels like to hit the backside with some tough miles under the legs.

My buddy and I did 2 loops and my wife did one. She is an amazing rider. Only 2 minutes off my climbing time and on my wheel the whole way down. Gonna need to beef of my insecurities before she starts getting faster than me. Either that or take some air out of her tires.

I'm finally confident that we're prepared for this ride. It is just something that I did not want to go into with the 'just finish' mindset. For the time being, I'm over that kind of thing. I've done it before and just barely finished. I've been there walking the backside taking more than an hour and a half to reach the top. Honestly, it just wasn't that much fun, and I didn't feel like a better person for putting myself through it.

This year I want to ride it and have fun knowing that we can finish strong.

Don't let me discourage you though, Take a shot at this sometime, it's an incredible endeavour. I heard they already have 500 pregistered people for the century ride and a few hundered for the 125 miler. That's some cycling passion right there for you.

The focus on this ride has taken away from my XC racing focus. It's not that you can't do both, it's just that it's hard or ME to split hyper focus across more than one area. My training plan is in sort of a flux as well.

I'd had several months all planned out and on paper and I haven't done that for the next few months yet. This has happened in years past around this time of year and it's one component that leads to my losing some focus. The other components are obsessing over some sort of technical issue. Last year it was full suspension bikes, this year it has been over comparing the hardtail to the full suspension. In addition, I'm now focused a little on skills again.

My goal is to refocus after MOM and get a training calendar in place through October. I'm also going to reassess goals and get them down on paper. Hopefully this will help center things and get me focused. It's hard to stay focused on one thing and it's probably better to include these ebbs and flows into my life in order to keep things in perspective.


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