Friday, July 13, 2007

blog kill (a little)

Last few months have seen a real change in my uber-obsession with cycling. Just general life issues with work, family, etc. taking priority and cycling has moved way down in the pecking order. To the point sometimes that I'd been thinking of packing the racing in because of additional stress created from not riding.

So that's why there hasn't been much activity here.

While my focus on cycling and racing has been very divergent, I have been training some. Oftentimes I'd get a trainer ride in because they are so much easier to fit into life than getting outside.

But I've noticed some interesting outcome of not obsessing over racing/cycling so much. 1) I'm spending way less money on cycling crap. Right now pretty much just what is needed: energy drink, etc.. (though that might change :) )
2) I'm riding very well.

The last few rides I've done have gone well. My power outputs on the trainer all seem up. The timed runs I've done are all going down. Yet I feel like I'm hardly riding/training at all. Maybe one-two good trainer ride a week and one good ride outside a week and then lots of rest/not riding or just messing around with skills drills.

My thinking is that obsessing too much leads to the 'wishful thinking syndrome' The wishful thinking syndrome includes a lot of talk and daydreaming of what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna do this training ride, or I'm gonna do that. So instead of gonna do I've actually been just doing, without all the extra thinking. Even while riding, I'm trying hard to get the brain turned off and just ride.


At 2:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah you just need to ride for FUN!

Nothing more...

The racing will just fall in place.

-SoCal racer

At 11:18 PM, Blogger Carol said...

Ashwin -- the same happens for me in running!


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